The MedAudPro Podcast

Doc Talk

A place where providers in ENT, Audiology, and more chat it up.

CI Special Series | The Inventor Among Us, with Aniket Saoji, PhD

Do you remember what it felt like when you got the call that your patent was accepted? me neither. But this guy… could tell a story. Meet Dr. Aniket Saoji. He is an audiologist that understands the clinical and industry perspective, as he’s worked for the manufacturers, he holds more patents than I can count on all my fingers and toes, and he sits at the helm of the audiology department at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN.
Listen Now CI Special Series | The Inventor Among Us, with Aniket Saoji, PhD

CI Special Series | From Patient to Advocate, Donna Sorkin Shares Her Extraordinary Journey

Meet Donna Sorkin, the Executive Director of ACI Alliance. She’s had quite a journey. She gives credit to her audiologist that went above and beyond, in a time when recommending CI may not had been the norm. That experience inspired her to become a champion of others and was the beginning of a new career of advocacy. Check out the ACI Alliance provider resourcesView ACI Alliance Provider Resources
Listen Now CI Special Series | From Patient to Advocate, Donna Sorkin Shares Her Extraordinary Journey

CI Special Series | Meet My Co-Host, Camille Dunn, PhD

We wouldn’t be doing a CI podcast without her! Meet Camille Dunn, Ph.D., CI expert audiologist, industry leader, and genuinely kind and funny person that I’m lucky to call a friend. I’m so glad she raised her hand and offered to co-host this much-needed series on everything that is happening with Cochlear Implants. I used to think that CI was for a small group of patients and that there was only a small group of providers that delivered the care – not anymore. CI in 2022 is breaking all the rules for the better of everyone – get in the…
Listen Now CI Special Series | Meet My Co-Host, Camille Dunn, PhD